We already know having sex is good for you in many different ways. It helps prevent cancer, it makes your skin a lot nicer, it stops aches and pains, it offers you some orgasmic stress relief...but did you know that having sex can also help you lose weight? But not because it makes you sweat. It’s more biological than that. According to a 10-year study by Canada’s York University and the Center for Addiction and Mental Health, oxytocin, one of the major hormones released during sex, decreases food cravings, which in turn makes you lose weight! Awesome! The study followed a large number of participants ranging from 27 to 50 years old, all with different body types. Some participants were overweight, some were average weight, but many of the participants identified as binge eaters. Each participant filled out a self-evaluation questionnaire that rated their “reward sensitivity, punishment sensitivity, sugar/fat food preferences, and overeating habits,” which was then compared with their
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