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Why is it that the Liberian health system struggling with modern day medicine?

My name is Wesseh Koiblee a registered Nurse, commonly called Dr. Weezs. I have a three years’ working experience within the Liberian health system. I presently work with the Phebe Hospital in the Emergency Room and with the ambulance services department. I am the founder of the LiberianCare Organization; Non-profit organizations that help promote quality health education and health delivery system to abandoned or under privilege communities in Liberia. I am currently reading biology as major and chemistry as minor at the Cuttington University in Liberia.
My rational thoughts on the health system of our beloved country Liberia
Base on my experiences, I have learned that some health workers do really have passion for the job while some do it just for the wealth, nomenclatures and esteem. Therefore, those that really have passion for the work, do it no matter what the consequences are. They keep  praying that one day, things will get better for them within this field so that it can only serve as motivating factors while those on the other hand, don’t care and believed in better day phenomenon. All they want is get their needs and wants no matter how they get it, either by hook or crook. They also believe that funding that is meant for them has not been appropriately used by administrators but rather, those in administrative positions and ministerial positions corrupt those funding and go with impunity. Therefore, they will do whatever it takes to get their needs and wants. With all these form of malpractices going on with in the Liberian health system, the patients become the victims. How long our poor people are going to continue dying in the hands of people of genius pasture?
 Why is it that the Liberian health system struggling with modern day medicine?
1.      Weak law system such as people unlawfully taking away hospital material without any punishment.
2.      Corruptions which includes, misappropriate used of funds, irrational used of resources and etc.
3.      The phenomenon of a Liberian mentality sometime called Creb mentality which means, if I don’t get it, you can’t get it too.
4.      Fear of losing job = this is one of the most important issue with regard to our struggle with modern medicine in Liberia. Whenever people are been maltreated by their employer, they just have to choose whether to still on the job or speak on the issue and get fire.
5.        Low salary for health workers = this is creating major problem psychologically among healthcare providers from the cleaner to the doctors except those in administrative position. Health workers spend more than their income because of their under pay status in term of our economic deprivation such as; no price regulation, no control rate system and etc. Having a lot of responsibilities under such economic condition, is like working just to get your daily (from hand to mouth) bread which is not what anyone will love to go to college for 4 to 5 years to get a BSc/BScN (Rn).Now, Empathies this situation and imagine how this person is counselling a patient when he/she need counselling. I strongly believe that, this should be of paramount concern to stakeholder if we must have a modern day health care delivery system in our country Liberia.
6.      Delayed in payment of salaries/incentives = Now, people are already complaining that they been underpay and over work due to low work force, and you don’t give them such low salaries/incentives on time. Before you even pay them, they are all indebted already. What do you expect from those people? They wouldn’t complain or take you to law because they are aware of a weak law system and therefore are afraid of losing their job when they speak on issues of concern. Addition to that, they will remain mute and take away whatever things from your institution that is to their disposal. Furthermore, some could decide to be reckless and verbally offensive  on job due to your action, and guess who suffer this consequence, the patient. Note: When your expense exceeds your income, the end result is death.
7.      Low work force according to WHO standard ( 1 Rn to 5 patient) = According to WHO standard  of quality  Health care for patient, there should be 4-6 patients to one doctor or Rn which has never  been and presently not happening in our country Liberia due to low man power.
8.       Inadequate medical equipment = The lack of some medical equipment like CT SCAN, ECG,EKG ULTRASONIC CLEANERS AND ETC in almost 97% of our hospitals are some cause of Liberia Health system still struggling  towards modern day medicine.

9.       Why is it that the Liberian health system struggling with modern day medicine? The list is endless add yours….

Way forward
*Let the law be effective within this ministry regardless of positions such as;

1.      Let there be an exclusive awareness on patients right and responsibilities from both governmental and non-governmental organizations. As this will help the patients to know if their health care provider is doing the right thing or not keeping the health care providers under caution.
2.      Let health employee and administrators be sue by patients if they fail to do the right things. This will help minimize corruption ( Eg; people taking medical supplies that belongs to government institutions and carrying it to their private entity or selling them to private institutions either way) and other form of malpractices ( Eg; paying less attention to patient care doing work hour).
3.      Let administrators be taken to court by their employees. With this ideology, those in administrative position will have a fear of doing wrong to their employees.
4.      Let employee be taken to court by their administrators if they carry on any form of malpractices. With this, employees will learn how to do the right things at the right time.
5.      Apart from patients privacy and information as regard to confidentiality, let there be freedom of speech for all as the organic law of the republic of Liberia on freedom of speech and the ― United Nations, Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states;
 “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

*What do you think could be another way forward?


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