Fans have been anticipating Bucky Raw first track since his deportation. Well, it is here. The artist drop 'Duppy Freestyle' June 2, 2018. On this track, he speaks his truth, covering all angles of his situation. Partial lyrics from Duppy Freestyle is below.
God put me in a situation where I can't lose
And, I be damn if let any of you suckers, punk niggas beat me at this situation called life
And this thing that I'm going through, ain't but nothing, I'm a man
At the end of the day, God put his strongest soldiers in the toughest positions
So, that's how I feel about everything, you hear me ehn
Verse 1
Mine yor business as an African nigga with nothing
Sick of life, hugging like a
I made it harder for my family quality time
What you expect from a nigga, two different baby's ma
And bailing out of a situation with broken bonds
I got deported, won't make it to junior junior prom
video chatting me, so just fine
But talking to kid from a box, feel like I'm facing time
It just so happen ironically the president call me
While my neighbors making dense milk, singing and
Check out the full song below.
trust your lyrics and style Bucky Raw, you dope brother